Dart leagues in Toronto and around Ontario.
If you are thinking about joining a dart league, use the contact info provided below and they should be able to find an appropriate placement for you.
Please note that the following dart leagues have been listed alphabetically.
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For Summer Dart Leagues Click Below
Click here for summer darts infoCity of Toronto Leagues
***NEW*** Toronto Players Dart League (TPDL)
Cost: Free for individuals, $200 per team for the venue
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Thursdays
Where: Toronto, mainly along the Yonge / Danforth subway line
TPDL WebsiteJoin: tpdl AT torontodarts DOT com
Queen Street Dart League
Cost: Free for individuals
Membership: Adult, male and female
Establishment Fee: $250.00 for first team, $200 for each additional team
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Toronto, mainly along the Bloor / Danforth subway line
QSDL WebsiteContact: exec AT qsdl DOT com
Metro Toronto Area Dart League
Cost: $550 per team (typically paid by sponsoring bars)
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Mainly mid-Toronto
MTADL WebsiteContact: http://www.mtadl.com
Scarborough City Dart League (SCDL)
Cost: Free for individuals
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Wednesdays
Where: Scarborough
SCDL WebsiteScarborough Pub Dart League
Cost: $55.00 members (usually paid by bars)
Membership: Male and Female
Skill levels: Beginner to Advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Scarborough
Contact: scarboroughpub AT yahoo DOT ca
SPDL WebsiteEtobicoke Pub Dart League (EPDL)
Cost: Free for individuals
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Mondays
Where: Etobicoke
EPDL WebsiteContact: soda AT ontariodarts DOT com
South Etobicoke Dart League (SEDL)
Cost: $25.00 per player
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Wednesdays
Where: Southern Etobicoke
SEDL WebsiteContact: soda AT ontariodarts DOT com
Bloor Street Dart League
Members: $40.00 per person
Cost: $100.00 + $25.00 per team ie. 1 Team = $125.00, 2 Teams = $150.00
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: West-end Toronto, mainly along the Bloor subway line
BSDL WebsiteContact: http://www.bloordarts.com
Inter-City Dart League
Cost: Bar pays league fee
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Thursdays
Where: West-North-Central Toronto
Thistletown Dart League
Cost: $7.00 per week
Membership: Adult, male
Skill levels: Beginner to intermediate
League nights: Monday nights
Where: Toronto West End
Website: N/A
Contact: thistletowndarts AT yahoo DOT ca
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 22 1240 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto Starts October 13 7:3o sharp Membership Adult all Skill Levels All Cost 5.00 per night Nights: Thursdays Contact Jim Farrell jimb.farrell AT yahoo DOT caBeaches Dart League
This league is no longer in operation.
Greater Toronto Area Leagues
Markham Dart League
Cost: $200 per team
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: All bars are in Markham, Ontario
MDL WebsiteContact: http://www.markhamdartleague.com/contact.htm
Brampton/Bramalea Dart League
Cost: Free for individuals
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Brampton/Bramalea
Website: http://www.bbdl.ca
Contact: darts AT canada DOT com
Burlington Mixed Darts League
Cost: $50 per team plus $20 per player
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Mondays
Where: Burlington
Contact: Jeannine Whiteley >> j.whiteley AT sympatico DOT ca
Durham Region Pub League
Cost: Free for individuals
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced & Premier
League nights: Mondays
Where: Pickering, Ajax, Whitby & Oshawa
Website: http://www.drpdl.net
Contact: contact AT drpdl DOT net
Milton Recreational Dart League (MRDL)
Cost: $7.00 Registration and $3.00 per week, per player
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Wednesday
Where: Milton
Website: www.mrdl.ca
Contact: www.mrdl.ca
Oakville Pub Dart League
Cost: $40 per player & $40 per venue
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced & Premier
League nights: Tuesday nights
Where: Oakville
Website: http://oakvilledarts.leaguerepublic.com/
Contact: Mark Beckwith (pres) mark.beckwith AT unilever DOT com
Peel Ladies Dart League
Cost: $65.00
Membership: Female, Female and Female - sorry guys but girls night out!
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced & Premier
League nights: Mondays
Where: The Place Bar and Grill - Brampton
Contact: smausz AT hotmail DOT com
Region of Peel Dart League (RPDL)
Cost: Players pay $45.00 | Team fee: $125.00
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Region of Peel
York Region Dart League
Cost: Players pay $20.00
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Wednesday - Summer & Fall/Winter sessions
Where: Aurora Legion - 105 Industrial Parkway N., Aurora
Website: N/A
Contact: robertsavoy AT rogers DOT com
Southern Ontario Leagues
Aurora/Newmarket Dart League
Cost: $400 per team or approx. $40 per player
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Aurora and Newmarket
Website: N/A
Contact: juliendressler AT yahoo DOT ca
Barrie Pub Dart League
Cost: $10.00 leagues membership / bar sponsorship
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Barrie
Website: http://www.barriedarts.ca
Contact: http://www.barriedarts.ca
Bradford Dart League
Cost: $5.00 per week, per player
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Newmarket, Bradford, Barrie
Website: http://www.new.facebook.com/wall.php?id=33237094198#/group.php?gid=33237094198
Contact: griff5 AT rogers DOT com
Hamilton Veteran's Dart League
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: /p>
Where: Hamiltoin
Website: http://www.100megsfree.com/thedartdog/HVDL/New_HVDL_2006.html
Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) Dart League
Cost: $25 per player for the season
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Fridays
Where: Mainly downtown Kitchener
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/kwdl
Contact: bulseye AT netscape DOT ca
Newcastle Dart League
Cost: $50.00 league membership
Membership: Adults over 19 years of age, Male and Female
Skill levels: Beginner to advanced
League nights: Mondays
Where: Bowmanville and Newcastle, Ontario
Website: http://www.newcastledartleague.com
Contact: newcastledartpresident AT gmail DOT com
Newmarket Veterans Association
Cost: $5.00 per night
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner to Advanced
League nights: Thursdays
Where: Newmarket & York Region.
Website: N/A
Contact: stephens_brenda AT hotmail DOT com
Region of Halton Dart League
Cost: $45.00 per player
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Mondays
Where: Halton Hills | Milton
Website: http://www.mobile-sound-sys.com/frames/frame2.htm
Contact: pepperhome AT sympatico DOT ca
South Shore Dart League (SSDL)
Cost: $40.00 per season
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Beginner through advanced
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Georgina. Open to Georgina residents only
Contact:Contact through above website
Under a Ton Mixed Dart Club
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: All
League nights: Tuesdays
Where: Kitchener (and surrounding area)
Website: http://utmdarts.webs.com
Contact: Tim Young tjyoud69 AT hotmail DOT com
K-W InterCity Dart League
Cost: $240.00 per team per season
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Intermediate to Advanced
League nights: Mondays
Where: Kitchener-Waterloo (and surrounding area)
Website: http://www.kwintercitydartleague.ca
Contact: president AT kwintercitydartleague DOT ca
K-W Friday Night Dart League
Cost: $150.00 per team per season
Membership: Adult, male and female
Skill levels: Intermediate to Advanced
League nights: Friday
Where: K-W Naval Association
Website: Search Facebook for: KW FRIDAY NIGHT DART LEAGUE
Contact: jbdarts AT hotmail DOT com

Do you want to have your league listed here?
Adding your league to the listing is free, so please contact us with your information and we'll add you as soon as we can.